Mason And Lori Lens On Restorative Ideology was developed through my life experience, relationships, and my ordered steps. I am Erica Mason-Colvin. I am a proud Saginaw, Michigan native now residing in Pflugerville, TX. The loss of my sister friend Lori, inspired the name for my organization. We were planning this Social Justice work together before she was called from this body and earth on 11/17/17. I know she will always be with me in spirit. I will carry in her legacy of acceptance and grace through all of my endeavors. Restorative Circles played a large part in identifying and handling my grief. I would like to pay that experience forward. Who knows how it could benefit someone? The services offered by MALLORI are a result of personal growth, experience and triumph.

You can always expect professionalism, acceptance, integrity, safety, peace, and ethical service from M.A.L.L.O.R.I. It is because of these values that M.A.L.L.O.R.I now exists. Pricing for services are determined on an individual basis. No budget is too small. I look forward to every opportunity that presents. Restorative has been a gift of grace from our indigenous peoples to now.

When considering Restorative I would ask you this:

Who builds community with you?

What values are driving your current behaviors and practices?

How do you currently address conflict?

How would you like to develop or grow within your organization?

Is there room for growth and are you willing to have an open mind?

Restoratively Speaking, Erica Mason-Colvin RJP

"Using my voice as a vessel and catalyst for equity."